Made from the ludum dare 47, Theme: Stuck in a loop.

Network multiplayer is only available in the Windows post-jam version !

The web version is the Post-jam version without the network multiplayer.


You can change them in the menu.

Default controls are :

1st player:

WASD/ZQSD for movements
Ctrl to shoot, Space to jump, Alpha1 (the 1 above the letters on the Keyboard) to Toggle the AI

2nd player:

Arrow keys for movements

Num0 to jump, NumPeriod to shoot (period on the numeric keypad),  Num+ (+ on the numeric keypad) or Alpha2

3rd player and 4th player (Xbox controllers):

Right joystick to move

A to jump, X/B to shoot, Select or Alpha3/Alpha4 to toggle the AI


You have to shoot your opponents with your laser.

You get one laser per timeline, but after shooting your laser, you can get the tape to create a ghost of yourself that will follow what you did on your timeline (you need to shoot first).

Some bonuses will increase your number of lasers.

To win, all your opponents must die in a given timeline. If some are killed and then the timeline is rewound, they are back in the new timeline.

Have fun !


Beam from Beyond-PostJam version-windows 72 MB
Beam from Beyond - 56 MB

Install instructions

Download, unzip and play !

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